

Signs of Anxiety

I will never forget the feeling of buying my first house. It was a very exciting thing, and I got a good deal. It was the perfect house that I wanted, and I knew it would be safe and a good place for my family. I also knew that buying a house would cost a lot of money and that it would be a lot of work to move. That made me really anxious!


Sometimes, anxiety is biological, in the brain itself. Or, it can be caused by situational stress, like when I was buying a house. At times, it is caused by attitudes and beliefs – what people think about themselves and the world around them. Some physical problems like asthma or high blood pressure can cause anxiety symptoms. Detox from addictions (alcohol, drugs, food, caffeine, smoking) can cause anxiety symptoms.


Some people have unexpected “surges” of intense fear or worry, when really there is no threat or danger. Some people have phobias or are afraid of specific things.


Symptoms of anxiety might include, feeling like something bad is going to happen, shortness of breath, chest pain, nausea, trembling, feeling like you are losing control, tight throat, shaking, heart racing, specific fears, or dizziness.

Your body cannot produce the chemicals that cause anxiety symptoms for more than about 20 minutes at a time. So you know the moment will pass - keep breathing deeply. If anxiety symptoms worsen or continue beyond the stressful situation, you may need medicine to help your brain balance itself out, or therapy to learn relaxation techniques, ways to change your thinking, and new coping skills. The best cure for anxiety is eating healthy, getting enough sleep, and exercising moderately and regularly.